Monday, August 27, 2012

What have you done for me?

This seems like a loaded question "how the social web has changed or affected your life."  So here we go...

Facebook is Ah-MAZE-ing!  I have three brothers who live in Texas, Florida and New York.  Facebook connects me to their families and allows me to be part of their everyday happenings.  As a teenager we lived in Australia.  Through the years I have lost track of my friends and again, Facebook to the rescue.  I am able to reconnect with old friends and see their families while catching up with life. 

Linkedin is a social network to connect with others on a professional level.  Personally, I have signed up and connected with friends but not used it for anything further.  If I was in search of a job I'm sure I would put more effort into it. 

Financially the social web has become convenient and helpful.  Pinterest has allowed me to find healthier, natural homemade options for my home and family.  I have also found many coupon clipper sites and deals and discount sites.  This has saved me time and money and allowed me to spend more time making our home easier to live in (and pretty too). 

I feel as though I take advantage of a few of the social networking sites.  I don't necessarily keep up with the newest and greatest social networking sites however,  I have found what works for me and use those pretty vigorously. 

The thought of a "virtual world" seems so vast and open almost like outer space.  I have accepted the virtual world and use it to do multiple things but I can't say it has taken over my life as I know it has for some.  I haven't embraced paying bills online, I still purchase regular books (I love the smell of a new book) and I must confess I have never skyped. 

The social web connects individuals quickly to a large amount of people.  With advantages there is always concerns as well.  It is too easy to say something quickly and not think about feelings and how your words can be misconstrued.  It reminds me of the tube of toothpaste lesson.  When you squeeze the tube, the toothpaste comes out and can't be put back in.  Social media can be hurtful and my concern is for students who use it without parental supervision or agreed to some type of guidelines. Another negative side is the reduced need for face to face interaction.  I have caught myself countless times telling a story to a friend and she says "I know, I read it on Facebook."  I'm curious if any studies are being performed on social and communication skills of Generation Z.  To be honest, I have wondered if they think K is a word and do they know how to write a full sentence?  What about spelling? 

Social media has connected individuals to information at the touch of a button and brought people together across oceans and miles.  Through the convenience of it all it's imperative to keep personal relationships, research information to be valid and think before you type.  Without social media like would not be as convenient but it would still go on.